Openbanking recurring payments are payments that have been authorised by an end user. That will be sent by an issuing bank to us. The payments can only be scheduled for fixed amounts at fixed intervals.
Steps to creating an openbanking recurring payment:
Create an customer using the endpoint.
Note that none of the information requested in customer object are required for openbanking payments. Altough for high risk businsess, we may require more informaiton to be sent.
Create an payment method using the endpoint.
Redirect the user to the link specific in the redirect.url field.
When the user authorised the payment, the payment method state will change from createdtosucceeded.
When the user rejected the authorisation, the payment method state will change from createdtofailed.
You can skip our bank selection menu by suppling the following fields:
Depending on the issuing bank, the first payment will arrive within a few minutes, to end of the next day. From this point on the payment is guaranteed.
When the payment arrives with us, we will create the payment with the statesucceeded, and call your webhook.
If the first payment never arrives, we will change the payment method state from succeeded to failed.
If subsequent payments will no longer arrive, and this is not because of insufficient funds, we will change the payment method state from succeeded to expired.
In the authorisation process of the recurring payment, we will also generate a SEPA Direct Debit mandate, this mandate allowed you to still process the payment at a later date when funds are available.
Example payment method creation request
Example Openbanking Payment Request
Below is a sample request for creating an openbanking recurring payment using our API.